The guitar pull off is a great technique that can be mixed into guitar solos or any place where long strings of notes are played. The guitar pull off technique is associated with the hammer on guitar trick. It isn't essential to learn them together, but a good understanding of both is beneficial.
So let's start with what a guitar pull off actually is. A guitar pull off is the action of having a finger placed on a string on the fret board and pulling at the string without picking in order to create a vibration to make the string sound. It's a simple trick, but here are a few things to keep in mind during execution.
* We are pulling off and not bending the note.
When executing a guitar pull off, we merely want to create a vibration on the string that's similar to guitar picking. We are NOT looking to alter the pitch of the note however.
* Mix guitar pull offs with other already learned skills.
If you know the hammer on guitar technique well enough, practice these two skills together. They're usually played together during lead riffs, so why not get a head start? You can start sounding cool earlier than you thought.
* Practice your guitar scales using guitar pull offs.
If you have a group of scales that you commonly practice (or my blog post on guitar practice scales) you can replace notes with the pull off technique in order to establish a better flow and rhythm between the notes.
Of course pull off are not the hardest thing to do, but using them tastefully within a guitar composition is the REAL challenge. See if you can sprinkle your guitar pull offs in something that you have created to add a little more flare.
photo from BuffaloBloodDonor
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