Now, the guitar is a very key player in the garage band for a few reasons, but just as these reasons can be positive, they can be potential responsibility issues on your part. This is actually the main problem with the person who plays the guitar in a garage band.

* You are the source of most written material.
If you think logically, the guitar is the instrument in the garage band that can create music with the furthest dimension in comprehension to begin. If you start a song with a bassist or drummer, the understanding of the rest of the band is very minimal.
But when a guitarist begins a tune, the rest of the band should already recognize the direction and stylistic features of what is to be created. So if you want to be the guitarist for a garage band that writes original material, you better be a good songwriter...because you'll be doing most of it.
* The genre is yours to decide.
Just as it us up to you to provide most of the written material for a tune, the genre is yours to decide as well. The best approach is to get a feel for what the rest of the band would enjoy playing and sculpt your tunes accordingly.
However, you could just play the dictator card and create whatever you want. The chances the band stays together and continues to follow you is much less though.
* Back-up equipment is a must.

As the player of the guitar in a garage band, you must be prepared for every gig with the necessary back-up equipment. This might be another guitar, extra strings, extra chords, and maybe even extra tubes for your amplifier for the ONE night that EVERYTHING goes wrong.
* Organize the problem areas.
You're the only person in the band that really knows where the music is going and it's up to you to let the band know. If they think you're a pop rock kind guy and you are trying to create metal, let them know.
They might have been frustrated with your poppy antics all along.
* Be a role model
This is the most important tip I can give here. No one in a garage band will want to follow you if you don't provide some sort respectful approach of conducting business in the band.
Talk to the guys about splitting up the money earned, about what musical direction they want to go, and that it's OK if someone wants to leave the band for any reason.
If you play the guitar in a garage band, you actually have a lot on your shoulders. Don't worry though. The most important thing is to just enjoy writing and being a guitarist. Otherwise, there's no reason to have a band in the first place.
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