Even though reverb from your guitar amp is a helpful tool to utilize, there will always be a line between tasteful and grotesque. Here are a few ideas of where you can use a guitar amp reverb to change the style of your guitar tunes.
* Use reverb for solo acoustic guitar sessions.
If you think that your personal acoustic guitar performances are missing a little something and just sound like "blah," then maybe you need to get your guitar reverb out with an amp or pedal. It might add a new roundness and smooth nature to your melodic lines.
* Try it in the bridge of a song with your full band.
Your band might have a formula that they use for every song they create and the bridges all start to blend together. Whip out that guitar amp reverb and create interest and diversity so that a few guitar tunes have their own identity.
* Spice up your next big guitar solo.
Is there a section of a guitar tune where YOU are the star of the show with an awesome guitar solo? Slam your foot down on that reverb pedal and create the illusion that your blasting your licks out to an entire stadium full of people.
* Create an ambient haze for the introduction of a song.

Maybe you're the type of band that likes a little mystery when they begin. If so, grab that guitar amp reverb and turn it way up to put the audience a little off ease and they won't know what to expect next.
When using guitar reverb from an amp or pedal, there's a few things that can determine how well it will mesh with the other instruments in any of your guitar tunes. Here are a few precautionary things to consider when switching on your reverb pedal.
* You need to match other reverbs already being used.
If the other guitarist or your bassist wants to use a reverb at the same time (same moment in the guitar tune) you can lose quite a bit of clarity if you don't try to match it. It wouldn't really make too much sense if you sounded like you're playing in a concert hall and they sound like they're playing on the moon. Don't confuse your audience THAT much.
* Keep your sound listenable and not saturated.
Obviously, if you're looking for something abstract, by all means... go nuts with your guitar amp reverb and saturate the heck out of that thing. However, if you mean to stick with a more standard sound, use your reverb to a degree where the notes are still identifiable. Too much, and you might lose your clarity all together.
* Just because reverb is available, doesn't mean you HAVE to use it.
When all else fails and you can't seem to get the sound you want from reverb, maybe it isn't right for what you're attempting. Personally, I enjoy a pure sound most of the time and if the guitar effect from your amp doesn't fit, then it doesn't fit.
Listen to some of your favorite music and identify where guitar reverb is being used. You'll probably find it in more classic rock songs, but hey... it's art and it's used everywhere.
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